Lecture13 Endocrine Part1

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • An introduction to the Endocrine System, hormone signaling and regulation.

Комментарии • 75

  • @pranavmadapura8220
    @pranavmadapura8220 6 лет назад +46

    Underrated , legendary page. Thank you so much for this lecture.

  • @AtaraxiaFlow10
    @AtaraxiaFlow10 6 лет назад +44

    idk how to thank you teacher, you made it easy by just watching you. honestly, you should be teaching our teacher how to teach. thank u tank u thank u.

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  6 лет назад

      You're welcome Moe! Good luck with your studies!

    • @basetsanalingwati4520
      @basetsanalingwati4520 5 лет назад

      @@PhysiologyforStudents where is the link you are talking about

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  5 лет назад

      @@basetsanalingwati4520 do you need the chart? You can send me an email: drsandholdt@gmail.com

    • @AnnaZadyraiko
      @AnnaZadyraiko 3 года назад

      @@PhysiologyforStudents I’m going to send you email. I really need that chart, thank you , professor!

  • @sydneypenrose9573
    @sydneypenrose9573 4 года назад +12

    Another awesome lecture! I'm adopting you as my new physiology professor lol. I learn so much from your videos, thank you for making such great content!

  • @heidirichards7399
    @heidirichards7399 4 года назад +6

    You definitely didn't miss your calling! Your're such a great teacher! Thanks so much!

  • @L30TheLion037
    @L30TheLion037 6 лет назад +6

    Please make more A&P lectures. Your voice is calming and easy to understand because you don't talk too fast.

    @INBEAUTYZOOM 3 года назад

    Beyond grateful! You are born to teach. Incredible, gifted, talented, well-spoken, incredibly coordinated, and delivered lectures. You won a Nobel Prize for teaching in my eyes. I will have to recommend you to my school! I cannot thank you enough.

  • @batool6377
    @batool6377 6 лет назад +42

    I just wanna know who disliked this, I just wanna talk.........

  • @zoeyyyyy403
    @zoeyyyyy403 5 лет назад +1

    you deserve all the money that i wasted on school and tutors which is not a small amount at all unfortunately. wish i found you sooner you're sooooooooo under rated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @muhammadhafizsulaiman7163
    @muhammadhafizsulaiman7163 Год назад

    Dr S is give best lecture in Physiology. I like to suggest Dr S to incorporate more medical pathology and pharmacology in the lecture so that the significance of understanding physiology is more prominent.

  • @brithneypascal9487
    @brithneypascal9487 4 года назад +1

    I would like to thank you so much for posting your lecture online. It is extremely helpful. You are a great professor.

  • @MohammedIbrahim-uc2nf
    @MohammedIbrahim-uc2nf 2 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for the video with kindness and respect

  • @tehillateigman23
    @tehillateigman23 4 года назад

    I’m a doctoral student for physical therapy and your videos have been saving me for my physiology class! Thank you so much

  • @nyawirawaithaka4993
    @nyawirawaithaka4993 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you! The endocrine system makes much more sense now.

  • @yalnzdoktor3072
    @yalnzdoktor3072 4 года назад +2

    It's quarantine days. And online tests are coming like a horror movie. And i came here to learn from you. It sounds like a joke but i learned much from you(whole physiology i guess:)), and im still learning and im sure i will be learning. All i can give you is my respect and gratefulness. Thank you so much.

  • @wmj4283
    @wmj4283 3 года назад

    You saved me! Your explanation is very clear and I am engaged from the first minute. In class, I lose attention from the first second and I don’t understand anything from my professor.

  • @birthdaygirl209
    @birthdaygirl209 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for these lectures! they have been my go to for the topics that my various physiology profs suck at teaching!!

  • @bonginkosiphumlane4250
    @bonginkosiphumlane4250 4 года назад

    I guess I've found for myself a new lecture for Physiology. Thanks a lot. I really wish I got to know this channel at the beginning of my course. You're the best

  • @mantleatrest
    @mantleatrest 3 года назад

    I just love your lectures. You make the topics easy to understand. Thank you so much!!!

  • @colleennye
    @colleennye 3 года назад

    Love it! It would help me to have examples of why we need these and what happens in our body naturally to make a change or reaction.

  • @deedeefleur
    @deedeefleur 6 лет назад

    BIG THANKS! I love your videos! Passed my exams because of your lectures! Keep them going.

  • @malelemohamed5013
    @malelemohamed5013 4 года назад

    MOHAMED M Thanks for the amazing presentation and i do appreciate for easy learning concept. pretty cool

  • @shandeishamaximo2119
    @shandeishamaximo2119 3 года назад

    These videos are really good to watch before or after a lecture 📚🥳 Thank you so much 😊

  • @brandiago
    @brandiago 4 года назад

    Such a great lecture. Well done, and thank you.

  • @yamilerestrepo4772
    @yamilerestrepo4772 5 лет назад

    Thank you so much. I love your lectures. They are great and so helpful. I am learning a lot. YOU ARE AMAZING!

  • @FranciscoGonzalez-km9bf
    @FranciscoGonzalez-km9bf 5 лет назад

    Excellent lectures ... keep it up.

  • @asadrazascienceteacher5705
    @asadrazascienceteacher5705 4 года назад

    So simple teaching so I always need help in physiology and anatomy

  • @heleng.5413
    @heleng.5413 6 лет назад

    Amazing lectures !!! Thank you for your hard work and time to deliver for us. I love your work. You are super smart !!!

  • @rupindersayal
    @rupindersayal 4 года назад

    Very useful and informative lecture, thank you!!

  • @NoOne-xs9tp
    @NoOne-xs9tp 4 года назад +1

    Omg thank you soooooo much... you have saved me from this chapter 😭😭😭 i wish I found this sooner rather than later.

  • @adwa2304
    @adwa2304 8 месяцев назад

    thanks from Ethiopia medical student

  • @hamedal-balushi6290
    @hamedal-balushi6290 7 лет назад +4

    So useful!! Thank you so much. Is there anyway I can access and save this PowerPoint please?

  • @mashrecordsproductions7565
    @mashrecordsproductions7565 9 месяцев назад

    This was so amazing but the chart that was said to be attached i can't see it

  • @aliiraq9655
    @aliiraq9655 4 года назад

    Awesome .. thank you ..

  • @londyndavis2678
    @londyndavis2678 2 месяца назад

    So helpful !!!

  • @nikitakamble9283
    @nikitakamble9283 4 года назад

    Which book you prefer for this?? This is amazing and i don't think so if there's any need now to open textbook you make it more easy and each and every topic is covered this is amazing 🙌

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  4 года назад +1

      Hello Nikita! This set of lectures is based on Sherwood Physiology: www.amazon.com/Human-Physiology-Systems-Lauralee-Sherwood/dp/1285866932/ref=sr_1_1?crid=L7ROXQEH9S10&dchild=1&keywords=laura+lee+sherwood+human+physiology&qid=1594616017&sprefix=human+physiology+laura%2Caps%2C216&sr=8-1 But I also highly recommend Silverthorn Physiology: www.amazon.com/Human-Physiology-Integrated-Approach-8th/dp/0134605195/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=dee+silverthorn+human+physiology&qid=1594616036&sr=8-1

  • @dandrewilliams9963
    @dandrewilliams9963 6 лет назад +2

    Thanks for another great lecture. I have a question regarding oxytocin: do males produce and use the hormone? I assume that if they do, they only have the brain receptors (which cause the bonding/attachment effect) for it since they don't have a uterus or mammary glands. Is that a correct assumption?

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  6 лет назад +1

      D'Andre - this is such an interesting question! The research on oxytocin is still ongoing. I've searched for a review article on pubmed.com for you which is always a great way to see what the latest information is. I found this one:
      It shows that oxytocin receptors are actually found in several tissues in addition to the brain including the male reproductive tract, heart and other organs. Very interesting! The male functions are still being researched - but as you might imagine, linked to reproductive responses.

  • @Meriem-ij9yp
    @Meriem-ij9yp 6 месяцев назад

    You're great ❤please teach the teachers how to teach,bcs some are just stupid

  • @hossamal-gurashi9069
    @hossamal-gurashi9069 6 лет назад

    you are a true hero .

  • @laylaahmed1255
    @laylaahmed1255 3 года назад

    You're amazing

  • @americanandfilipinalifetog6631
    @americanandfilipinalifetog6631 2 года назад

    I don't see the link for the chart. If possible can you post it again. Thank you

  • @fu7835
    @fu7835 4 года назад

    I love your videos but have to turn up my volume all the way because I can barely hear u at my normal volume on my desktop and laptop

  • @mothogoanaphemelo5501
    @mothogoanaphemelo5501 Год назад

    Thank you❤

  • @Yayyyy12
    @Yayyyy12 6 месяцев назад

    Heya am i able to find the slide somewhere plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @ipromiseyouforever11
    @ipromiseyouforever11 7 лет назад

    Are you using Lauralee Sherwood's/Robert Kell's Human Physiology from Cells to Systems? This is so helpful, thank you.

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  7 лет назад

      Hi Nic, yes!

  • @aberabezabih7906
    @aberabezabih7906 2 года назад


  • @roufailmelki6015
    @roufailmelki6015 6 лет назад

    you are amazing
    I have only one comment about hormones produced by the hypothalamus what about MSH?

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  6 лет назад

      Thank you for your comments Roufail. Yes, there is MSH. We did not have time to cover that here, but it is certainly clinically relevant. I'll make sure to update it if we do this lecture again.

  • @jordanlee2837
    @jordanlee2837 5 лет назад

    I think you meant to say "assistant to the manager" at 31:20. Jk haha good video.

  • @JkaPink
    @JkaPink 4 года назад

    Thanks again for this lecture. I understood that you will link a chart here? I don’t manage to find it 🙈

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  4 года назад

      Hello JkaPink all notes and resources are on our website! www.p4s-education.com/

    • @jasper12472
      @jasper12472 3 года назад

      @@PhysiologyforStudents thank you for this lecture, I am also searching for the chart you mentioned and could not find it on your website :(

  • @evabilleh2760
    @evabilleh2760 5 лет назад

    Big thanks ur so amazing ❤️❤️❤️

  • @ahmedmohammed8980
    @ahmedmohammed8980 7 месяцев назад

    What the name of lecture

  • @Mati_bm
    @Mati_bm 3 года назад

    Hi Dr. S I have a question, How can I get the chart?

  • @Beez7714
    @Beez7714 3 года назад

    I need that chart!

  • @roufailmelki6015
    @roufailmelki6015 6 лет назад +1

    one more comment there are only 6 hormones produced by the hypothalamus
    PRH / PIH / DOPAMINE : are the same hormone only name change ....

  • @tracykainz3656
    @tracykainz3656 4 года назад

    Where can I find the chart you refer to at the end of the lecture?

    • @PhysiologyforStudents
      @PhysiologyforStudents  4 года назад

      Hi Tracy. We post our notes and resources on our website: www.p4s-education.com/

  • @hayatsaad7609
    @hayatsaad7609 5 лет назад

    Thank youuuuuuu ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @EmilyMelissa
    @EmilyMelissa 4 года назад


  • @andand2594
    @andand2594 8 лет назад

    thank you very much

  • @drkapilyogi478
    @drkapilyogi478 4 года назад


  • @mmaullon
    @mmaullon 5 лет назад +1

    you gotta talk louder.

  • @MohammedIbrahim-uc2nf
    @MohammedIbrahim-uc2nf 2 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for the video with kindness and respect