its okay, currently i dont like how its laid out and doesnt go directly to the links of the girl. if it was consolidated at the top of the links instead of its own separate tab thatd be nice. currently its too cluttered and distracting
for example, instead of a dashboard Tab, make it the dashboard header at the top of the links, and you can click a down arrow to make it have a full Dashboard info view (with bio, info, videos, etc), then a uparrow to hide and consolidate the dashboard info to just a bare bio of the girl, etc. while having the FULL link list below it and this Dashboard Header could be on each subsequent Link pages (so if the girl has 2+ pages (5, 10, 15, etc) itd be at the top of each page.
Way cleaner and always have that info accessible.
also noted some of the links on the girls profile pages dont work, so if you want to goto page 2, 6, etc theyre blank or 404 error