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Chapters: 388, Volumes: 0, Days: 2.16, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 2.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags
1 Aria
11 / 67
- / 12
2 Beastars
144 / 196
- / 22
3 Chainsaw Man Publishing
51 / -
- / -
4 Chi no Wadachi
82 / 153
- / 17
5 Chijou wa Pocket no Naka no Niwa
1 / 5
- / 1
6 Coffee Jikan
- / 17
- / 1
7 Eden: It's an Endless World!
- / 127
- / 18
8 Gekiga Hyouryuu
- / 48
- / 2
9 Gon
4 / 24
- / 7
10 Koroshiya 1
19 / 114
- / 10
11 Nodame Cantabile
68 / 150
- / 25
12 Paradise Kiss
- / 48
- / 5
13 Samenai Machi no Kissaten
1 / 40
- / 2
14 Udon no Hito
5 / 8
- / 1
15 xxxHOLiC
- / 213
- / 19
16 Yubisaki to Renren Publishing
1 / -
- / -
17 Yuunagi no Machi Sakura no Kuni
1 / 3
- / 1