Louise got a bad hand in every case until now.
1. Of all the potential partners, she is stuck with Jeremy, who is a poor choice of partner for her, due to both of them having different expectations of this relationship. If she isn't breaking up with him, she only keeps up with him because of him and Lena's demands to keep being together, very likely leading into cucking.
2. Relationship with Lena is decent for lesbian content and femdom, but her clingyness is really off-putting. It's one-dimensional and effectively leads to further punish her to enhance the femdom route, but its shit otherwise.
3. She is a whiny bitch and not even sympatetic due to her horrible treatment of Stan (I don't care about that fucker as well, but just leave him alone in his room, woman), potentially even disappears from the game to spare Eva from further being forced to include her in non Jeremy/Lena routes.
My hope is that she applies for a job under Ian and/or Ian is further interested in her after the threesomes, the two of them possible seeking each other out if Jeremy and Lena keep being unfaithfull. Louise is a bitch, but she isn't dealt a decent hand either. Maybe someone else than Jeremy would change that.