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Chapters: 9136, Volumes: 1082, Days: 66.00, Mean Score: 6.7, Score Dev.: -1.05 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Tags Genre Demogr. Magazine
1 &
2 / 45
- / 8
Manga 16-02-21 1502 Romance Josei Feel Young
2 1-nen A-gumi no Monster Publishing
21 / -
4 / -
Manga 05-07-19 2094 Drama Shounen Comic REX
3 Abnormal-kei Joshi On Hiatus
16 / 15
1 / 3
Manga 24-01-16 3352 Horror Seinen Comic Meteor
4 Again!!
105 / 136
10 / 12
Manga 13-01-16 3363 Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
5 Ai no Niwa
4 / 6
- / 1
Manga 17-08-20 1685 Boys Love, Drama, Erotica
6 Ajin
53 / 84
11 / 17
Manga 27-12-15 3380 Action, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Seinen good! Afternoon
7 Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Publishing
118 / -
21 / -
Manga 19-12-15 3388
Drama, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo LaLa DX
8 Akarui Kioku Soushitsu
9 / 67
1 / 6
Manga 18-02-21 1500 Comedy, Girls Love Comic Cune
9 Akatsuki no Yona Publishing
217 / -
34 / -
Manga 19-08-15 3510 Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
10 Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen
40 / 83
10 / 21
Manga 27-06-16 3197 Adventure, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Magazine (Monthly)
11 Anata to Scandal
2 / 25
- / 5
Manga 29-07-23 609 Comedy, Girls Love, Romance, Erotica Ribon Magazine
12 Angel Densetsu
35 / 89
7 / 15
Manga Action, Comedy, Romance Shounen Shounen Jump (Monthly)
13 Ani Tomo
22 / 62
3 / 10
Manga 09-09-18 2393 Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
14 Ao no Exorcist Publishing
45 / -
10 / -
Action, Supernatural Shounen Jump SQ.
15 Ao no Orchestra Publishing
30 / -
4 / -
Manga 06-10-20 1635 Award Winning, Drama Ura Sunday
16 Aoharu Cynical
2 / 6
- / 1
Manga 04-08-16 3159
Boys Love, Slice of Life gateau
17 Aozora Pop
20 / 27
4 / 5
Manga 06-07-15 3554
Romance Shoujo Ribon Magazine
18 Asadora! Publishing
11 / -
1 / -
Manga 27-04-19 2163
Drama, Mystery, Supernatural Seinen Big Comic Spirits
19 Barajou no Kiss
8 / 42
1 / 9
Manga 28-11-15 3409 Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo Asuka
20 Barakamon
19 / 150
2 / 20
Manga 27-12-15 3380 Comedy, Slice of Life Shounen Shounen Gangan
21 Beastars
168 / 196
18 / 22
Manga 21-11-19 1955 Award Winning, Drama, Slice of Life Shounen Shounen Champion (Weekly)
22 Beelzebub
82 / 250
9 / 28
Manga Action, Comedy, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
23 Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama.
1 / 83
- / 12
Manga 17-02-21 1501 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Shounen Shounen Gangan
24 Blue Period Publishing
56 / -
11 / -
Manga 21-07-22 982 Award Winning, Drama Seinen Afternoon
25 Boku no Hero Academia
259 / 432
23 / 42
Manga 21-02-16 3324
Action Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
26 Boku no Hero Academia Smash!
12 / 104
- / 5
Manga 31-07-17 2798 Action, Comedy Shounen Shounen Jump+
27 Bokura no Hentai
4 / 41
- / 10
Manga 12-06-17 2847 Boys Love, Drama Seinen Comic Ryu
28 Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta
41 / 60
10 / 14
Manga 11-04-15 3640
Romance Shoujo Cheese!
29 Bozebeats
1 / 15
- / 2
Manga 09-11-20 1601 Action, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
30 Btooom!
88 / 125
17 / 27
Manga 20-10-15 3448 Action, Suspense Seinen Comic@Bunch
31 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
13 / 86
3 / 16
Manga 05-06-16 3219
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo Nakayoshi
32 Caste Heaven
20 / 48
4 / 8
Manga 25-10-15 3443
Boys Love, Drama, Erotica Magazine Be x Boy
33 Char no Nichijou
3 / 81
- / 8
Manga 17-02-21 1501 Comedy Shounen Gundam Ace
34 Cherry Boy, That Girl
52 / 110
- / -
Manhwa Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life Daum Webtoon
35 Chihayafuru
35 / 252
6 / 50
Manga 04-11-18 2337
Award Winning, Drama Josei Be-Love
36 Chiisakobee
1 / 44
- / 4
Manga 19-02-21 1499 Award Winning, Drama Seinen Big Comic Spirits
37 Choujin X Publishing
1 / -
- / -
Manga 10-05-21 1419
Action, Supernatural Seinen Tonari no Young Jump
38 Chronos: Deep
15 / 26
1 / 3
Manga 18-01-16 3358 Drama, Supernatural Josei Comic ZERO-SUM
39 Clannad
28 / 45
- / 8
Manga Drama, Romance Seinen Comic Rush
40 Claymore
116 / 159
20 / 27
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror Shounen Jump SQ.
41 Corrector Yui
7 / 9
1 / 2
Manga 28-03-16 3288
Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Shoujo Ciao
42 Crack Star
4 / 7
- / 1
Manga 09-10-16 3093 Boys Love Qpa
43 Cross Manage
1 / 43
- / 5
Manga 21-01-17 2989 Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life, Sports Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
44 D.N.Angel
76 / 108
11 / 20
Manga Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo Asuka
45 Daidokoro no Dragon
1 / 32
- / 4
Manga 09-04-22 1085 Slice of Life, Supernatural Gene pixiv
46 Densetsu no Yuusha no Konkatsu
1 / 15
- / 4
Manga 14-02-21 1504 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Shounen Jump SQ.
47 Dolly♥Kill Kill
17 / 155
1 / 11
Manga 25-07-16 3169 Action, Horror Manga Box
48 Donten ni Warau
2 / 29
- / 6
Manga 06-11-20 1604 Action, Supernatural Shoujo Comic Avarus
49 Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. Publishing
19 / -
3 / -
Manga 02-04-17 2918
Comedy, Slice of Life Comic Polaris
50 Eigyou Ni-ka!
6 / 14
- / 2
Manga 25-06-17 2834 Boys Love drap
51 Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.
- / 56
1 / 8
Comedy, Fantasy, Ecchi Web Comic Gum
52 Elfen Lied
45 / 113
4 / 12
Manga 08-09-15 3490 Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Supernatural Seinen Young Jump
53 Enami-kun wa Ikiru no ga Tsurai
1 / 26
- / 4
Manga 17-02-21 1501 Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life Manga Time Kirara Forward
54 Endou-kun no Jikken Note
8 / 13
1 / 2
Manga 29-11-15 3408
Boys Love, Slice of Life ihr hertZ
55 Enen no Shouboutai
33 / 305
4 / 34
Manga 14-03-16 3302
Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
56 Eyeshield 21
34 / 333
3 / 37
Manga 26-07-22 977 Sports Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
57 Fairy Tail
90 / 549
10 / 63
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
58 Fetish Berry
5 / 26
1 / 5
Manga 25-11-15 3412
Comedy, Romance Shoujo Comic Avarus
59 Flat
22 / 45
4 / 8
Manga 07-09-16 3125 Comedy, Slice of Life Shoujo Comic Avarus
60 Fruits Basket: Another
9 / 23
2 / 4
Manga 18-11-15 3419 Romance Shoujo Hana LaLa online
61 Fushigi Neko no Kyuu-chan
768 / -
7 / 8
Manga 24-01-21 1525 Comedy, Slice of Life twi4
62 Gakuen Alice
107 / 183
18 / 31
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
63 Gakuen Babysitters Publishing
94 / -
17 / -
Manga 15-11-15 3422 Comedy, Slice of Life Shoujo LaLa
64 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Publishing
152 / -
12 / -
Manga 14-05-15 3607 Comedy, Romance Gangan Online
65 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Anthology
11 / 16
- / 1
Manga 26-12-15 3381 Comedy, Romance
66 Genderless Danshi ni Aisareteimasu.
10 / -
1 / 5
Manga 06-08-21 1331
Romance, Slice of Life Josei Feel Young
67 Gin no Saji
123 / 131
14 / 15
Manga Award Winning, Comedy, Drama Shounen Shounen Sunday
68 God Child
19 / 48
3 / 8
Manga Boys Love, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Shoujo Hana to Yume
69 Gokushufudou Publishing
56 / -
5 / -
Manga 25-03-19 2196 Comedy Kurage Bunch
70 Golden Kamuy
31 / 314
3 / 31
Manga 17-02-21 1501 Action, Adventure, Award Winning Seinen Young Jump
71 Gunjou Gakusha
- / 39
3 / 4
Manga 22-08-19 2046 Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life Seinen Comic Beam
72 Hadashi no Gen
3 / 54
- / 10
Manga 09-03-22 1116 Drama Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
73 Haikyuu!!
1 / 407
- / 45
Manga 22-08-17 2776 Award Winning, Sports Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
74 Hana to Akuma
7 / 60
1 / 10
Manga Fantasy, Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
75 Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai Publishing
9 / -
2 / -
Manga 17-09-19 2020 Award Winning, Romance Shoujo Dessert
76 Haru Niwa
1 / 4
- / 1
Manga 09-09-21 1297 Romance, Slice of Life Shoujo Bessatsu Margaret
77 Helck
64 / 111
6 / 12
Manga 16-12-21 1199
Action, Fantasy Ura Sunday
78 Henai
4 / 7
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Erotica
79 Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
27 / 52
4 / 8
Manga 01-04-15 3650 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Seinen Comic Alive
80 Heroine Shikkaku
17 / 42
4 / 10
Manga 22-02-17 2957 Romance Shoujo Bessatsu Margaret
81 Hidamari ga Kikoeru
1 / 6
- / 1
Manga 07-02-16 3338
Boys Love, Slice of Life Canna
82 Hinamatsuri
1 / 117
- / 19
Manga 30-12-20 1550 Comedy, Supernatural Seinen Harta
83 Hirunaka no Ryuusei
12 / 86
1 / 12
Manga Romance Shoujo Margaret
84 Hokenshitsu no Kageyama-kun
2 / 24
- / 4
Manga 14-10-17 2723
Romance Shoujo LaLa
85 Honey Hunt On Hiatus
24 / 30
5 / 6
Manga 06-04-15 3645
Drama, Romance Shoujo Cheese!
86 Houchou Mushuku Shoubu Tabi
3 / 33
- / 4
Manga 20-02-21 1498 Gourmet Seinen Bessatsu Manga Goraku
87 Hourou Musuko
7 / 123
1 / 15
Manga 26-10-15 3442 Drama, Romance Seinen Comic Beam
88 ib: Instant Bullet
9 / 27
- / 5
Manga 23-12-15 3384
Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural Seinen Dengeki Maoh
89 Ichaicha suru to Okane ga Waichau Futari no Hanashi
19 / 27
- / 2
Manga 01-05-22 1063 Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
90 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
79 / 174
10 / 20
Manga 05-08-18 2428 Comedy, Romance Magazine pocket
91 Iris Zero Publishing
46 / -
7 / -
Manga 29-03-15 3653 Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Seinen Comic Alive
92 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Publishing
25 / -
5 / -
Manga 20-02-20 1864
Supernatural Shounen GFantasy
93 Jingai-san no Yome
7 / 131
- / 14
Manga 17-02-21 1501
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Zero-Sum Online
94 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 2: Sentou Chouryuu
1 / 69
- / 7
Manga 09-05-21 1420 Action, Adventure Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
95 Junai Tokkou Taichou!
27 / 25
6 / 13
Manga Comedy, Romance Shoujo Bessatsu Friend
96 Junjou Bitch, Hatsukoi-kei
2 / 7
- / 1
Manga 19-12-15 3388 Boys Love, Erotica Qpa
97 Junjou Romantica Publishing
58 / -
12 / -
Boys Love, Comedy, Drama, Erotica Emerald
98 Kafka
2 / 9
- / 1
Manga 17-02-21 1501 Drama, Fantasy
99 Kagerou Daze
33 / 70
6 / 13
Manga 22-06-15 3568 Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Josei Comic Gene
100 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
228 / 281
13 / 28
Manga 08-08-18 2425 Award Winning, Comedy, Romance Seinen Young Jump
101 Kamisama Hajimemashita
42 / 154
7 / 25
Manga 22-06-19 2107 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo Hana to Yume
102 Kanojo, Okarishimasu Publishing
180 / -
17 / -
Manga 10-06-18 2484 Comedy, Romance Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
103 Kao ni Dasenai Yoshizawa-kun
4 / 30
- / 4
Manga 20-08-17 2778
Comedy Gangan Online
104 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
7 / 108
2 / 21
Manga 09-10-20 1632 Comedy, Drama, Romance Shoujo LaLa
105 Kase-san Series
30 / 25
3 / 5
Manga 27-09-19 2010
Girls Love Hirari,
106 Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
26 / 411
3 / 42
Manga 00-08-15 3501 Action, Comedy Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
107 Kenji
68 / 202
7 / 21
Manga 24-12-20 1556 Action Shounen Shounen Sunday
108 Keroro Gunsou Publishing
- / -
14 / -
Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi Shounen Shounen Ace
109 Kimi no Gin no Ashi
3 / 7
- / 1
Manga 26-11-20 1584
Boys Love, Drama, Erotica pixiv Comic
110 Kimi no Sei - Kizuato
5 / 9
1 / 2
Manga 10-06-16 3214
Romance Shoujo
111 Kimi to Boku.
87 / 103
12 / 17
Manga 02-10-16 3100 Comedy, Drama, Romance, Slice of Life Shounen GFantasy
112 Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
13 / 125
2 / 14
Manga 12-10-20 1629
Romance Seinen Big Comic Spirits
113 Kiss yori mo Hayaku
10 / 58
2 / 12
Manga 05-12-15 3402 Comedy, Drama, Romance Shoujo LaLa
114 Kodomo Otona
3 / 6
- / 1
Manga 22-01-23 797
Slice of Life Seinen Miracle Jump
115 Koe Koi
15 / 130
2 / -
Manga 23-09-18 2379
Comedy, Slice of Life comico
116 Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
8 / 82
1 / 10
Manga 21-10-18 2351 Award Winning, Romance Seinen Gekkan! Spirits
117 Koi wa Hikari
15 / 42
2 / 7
Manga 26-08-18 2407
Romance Seinen Ultra Jump
118 Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
320 / 500
18 / 37
Manga 30-08-18 2403 Award Winning, Comedy Shounen Shounen Sunday
119 Kono Oto Tomare! Publishing
102 / -
22 / -
Manga 13-10-15 3455 Drama Shounen Jump SQ.
120 Konya wa Tsuki ga Kirei desu ga, Toriaezu Shine
13 / 35
- / 10
Manga 11-06-17 2848 Drama, Romance, Suspense Shounen Shounen Magazine (Monthly)
121 Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari Publishing
4 / -
- / -
Manga 18-02-21 1500
Slice of Life Comic ELMO
122 Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? Publishing
32 / -
3 / -
Manga 00-10-18 2344
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy Young Ace UP
123 Kuroshitsuji Publishing
173 / -
28 / -
Manga Action, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen GFantasy
124 Kyou kara Ore wa!!
1 / 366
- / 38
Manga 06-08-23 601 Action, Comedy Shounen Shounen Sunday
125 Kyoukai no Rinne
- / 398
5 / 40
Manga Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Sunday
126 Lookism Publishing
90 / -
- / -
Manhwa 18-08-15 3511
Action, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural Naver Webtoon
127 Love So Life
1 / 111
- / 17
Manga 01-01-22 1183 Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
128 Lovely★Complex
4 / 68
1 / 17
Manga 19-12-15 3388 Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Romance Shoujo Bessatsu Margaret
129 Mahou Sensei Negima!
32 / 355
2 / 38
Manga 21-06-15 3569 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
130 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Publishing
12 / -
1 / -
Manga 22-05-21 1407
Comedy, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Champion (Weekly)
131 Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
10 / 96
1 / 15
Manga 08-01-20 1907 Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural Josei Comic ZERO-SUM
132 Marginal
2 / 24
- / 5
Manga 07-10-22 904 Boys Love, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Shoujo Petit Flower
133 Medalist Publishing
11 / -
3 / -
Manga 10-04-23 719
Award Winning, Drama, Sports Seinen Afternoon
134 Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai
40 / 89
5 / 11
Manga 28-05-19 2132 Romance Palcy
135 Meitantei Conan Publishing
904 / -
84 / -
Adventure, Award Winning, Comedy, Mystery Shounen Shounen Sunday
136 Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san Publishing
6 / -
- / -
Manga 06-05-19 2154
Comedy, Mystery Shounen Shounen Sunday Super
137 Misoshiru de Kanpai!
42 / 85
7 / 14
Manga 16-03-20 1839 Comedy, Gourmet, Slice of Life Shounen Gessan
138 Mizutama Honey Boy
49 / 63
9 / 10
Manga 09-08-17 2789 Comedy, Romance Shoujo LaLa
139 Mongrel
2 / 37
- / 4
Manga 19-02-21 1499
Sports Seinen Young Jump
140 Neko no Otera no Chion-san
5 / 79
- / 9
Manga 26-09-23 550 Slice of Life Seinen Big Comic Spirits
141 No.6
8 / 35
- / 9
Manga 01-05-21 1428
Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shoujo ARIA
142 Noragami
24 / 109
6 / 27
Manga 16-08-15 3513
Action, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Magazine (Monthly)
143 Nukozuke! Publishing
3 / -
- / -
Manga 09-01-16 3367
Comedy, Slice of Life Shoujo Hana LaLa online
144 Nurarihyon no Mago
8 / 218
1 / 25
Manga 29-05-19 2131 Action, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
145 Ojisama to Neko Publishing
25 / -
1 / -
Manga 18-02-21 1500
Slice of Life Gangan pixiv
146 Ojisan ga Joshi●sei ni Warui Koto wo Oshieru Hanashi
3 / 31
- / 3
Manga 19-02-21 1499 Comedy, Slice of Life Josei Comic Qurie
147 Oli-Oli Soup
11 / 72
- / 4
Manga 08-03-23 752
Drama, Slice of Life Seinen Morning Two
148 Omaera Zenin Mendokusai!
7 / 56
1 / 10
Manga 25-11-18 2316
Comedy, Romance Comic Meteor
149 One Piece Publishing
114 / -
12 / -
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
150 One Punch-Man Publishing
99 / -
19 / -
Manga 04-04-16 3281
Action, Comedy Seinen Tonari no Young Jump
151 Opera no Kaijin
1 / -
- / 1
Manga 14-06-20 14-06-20 1
Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance Shoujo
152 Ore no Ie ga Maryoku Spot Datta Ken: Sundeiru dake de Sekai Saikyou Publishing
37 / -
2 / -
Manga 19-03-20 1836
Fantasy Suiyoubi wa Mattari Dash X Comic
153 Otometic Syndrome Publishing
16 / -
- / -
Manga 14-09-18 2388
Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life comico
154 Otonari Complex
38 / 54
4 / 5
Manga 28-04-18 2527 Comedy, Romance Kurofune Momo
155 Otoyomegatari Publishing
2 / -
- / -
Manga 01-11-20 1609
Award Winning, Romance Seinen Aokishi
156 Perfect World
10 / 59
2 / 12
Manga Award Winning, Drama, Romance Josei Kiss
157 Platinum End
32 / 58
9 / 14
Manga 09-11-15 3428 Drama, Supernatural Shounen Jump SQ.
158 Pluto
12 / 65
1 / 8
Manga 14-09-21 1292
Action, Award Winning, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Seinen Big Comic Original
159 Pochama ni
28 / 46
4 / 8
Manga 01-12-15 3406 Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
160 Posi
3 / 5
- / 1
Manga 17-08-16 3146 Boys Love, Comedy, Erotica
161 Prison School
120 / 278
12 / 28
Manga 29-03-16 3287 Award Winning, Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Seinen Young Magazine (Weekly)
162 Queen's Quality Publishing
5 / -
1 / -
Manga 05-09-17 2762
Romance, Supernatural Shoujo Betsucomi
163 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Publishing
- / -
1 / -
Light Novel 02-08-16 3161 Drama, Fantasy, Suspense
164 Real Clothes
45 / 102
6 / 13
Manga 18-01-23 801 Award Winning, Drama, Romance Josei YOU
165 Rule: Shoumetsu Kyoushitsu
7 / 29
1 / 3
Manga 04-02-21 1514 Drama, Mystery e Young Magazine
166 Sakura-gari
1 / 9
- / 3
Manga 05-10-21 1271 Boys Love, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Erotica Josei Rinka
167 Sankarea
51 / 59
9 / 11
Manga 00-00-13 4384 Comedy, Horror, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi Shounen Bessatsu Shounen Magazine
168 Seikei Cinderella Publishing
2 / -
- / -
Manga 07-02-22 1146
Drama, Romance Shoujo Koisuru Soiree
169 Seiketsu no Haguruma
4 / 29
1 / 6
Manga 29-12-20 1551 Fantasy, Horror Shounen Club Sunday
170 Sekai no Hate
11 / 17
2 / 4
Manga 31-10-15 3437
Romance Shoujo Ribon Magazine
171 Sen wa, Boku wo Egaku
8 / 32
1 / 4
Manga 26-10-22 885
Drama Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
172 Shaman King
250 / 288
28 / 32
Manga Action, Adventure, Comedy, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
173 Shingeki no Kyojin
20 / 141
4 / 34
Manga Action, Award Winning, Drama Shounen Bessatsu Shounen Magazine
174 Shirley Publishing
15 / -
2 / -
Manga 12-10-17 Drama, Slice of Life Harta
175 Shirogane no Nina
46 / 135
5 / 15
Manga 09-09-19 2028
Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life Seinen Manga Action
176 Shiryoku Kensa
5 / 16
1 / 3
Manga 31-08-15 3498
Drama, Romance Comic@loid
177 Shokugeki no Souma
8 / 325
1 / 36
Manga 07-07-15 3553 Gourmet, Ecchi Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
178 Shoujo Fujuubun
18 / 27
2 / 3
Manga 29-04-18 12-06-18 45 Mystery Seinen Young Magazine (Weekly)
179 Shounen Note
29 / 40
6 / 8
Manga 10-07-16 3184 Drama, Slice of Life Seinen Morning Two
180 SKET Dance
3 / 288
- / 32
Manga 14-08-16 3149 Award Winning, Comedy, Drama Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
181 Skip Beat! Publishing
294 / -
41 / -
Manga 00-00-14 4019 Comedy, Drama, Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
182 Slam Dunk
35 / 276
4 / 31
Manga 22-02-21 1496 Award Winning, Sports Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
183 Something About Us
- / 101
2 / 5
Manhwa 14-05-17 2876 Romance Lezhin Comics Webtoon
184 Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
77 / -
6 / 15
Manga 14-10-19 1993 Romance Seinen Young Gangan
185 Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii
109 / 150
19 / 25
Manga 24-07-18 2440 Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo Hana to Yume
186 Suki tte Ii na yo.
27 / 73
6 / 18
Manga 24-01-15 3717
Romance Shoujo Dessert
187 Super-Conductive Brains
2 / 6
- / 1
Manga 24-02-21 1494 Avant Garde Seinen Young Jump
188 Sweet Home
- / 141
- / 12
Manhwa Action, Drama, Horror, Suspense Naver Webtoon
189 Sword Art Online Publishing
- / -
2 / -
Light Novel 07-01-16 3369
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
190 Taimashi to Akuma-chan
36 / 60
2 / 4
Manga 24-03-19 2197 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Dengeki Daioh
191 Takane no Hana nara Ochitekoi!!
8 / 72
1 / 8
Manga 17-10-17 2720 Comedy, Romance Gangan Online
192 Tanzawa Sudachi ga Koko ni Iru!
13 / 26
1 / 2
Manga 19-02-21 1499
Comedy Shounen Bessatsu Shounen Magazine
193 Tenshi Nanka ja Nai
1 / 40
- / 8
Manga 20-12-22 830 Drama, Romance Shoujo Ribon Magazine
194 Thomas no Shinzou
1 / 8
- / 3
Manga 18-06-20 1745 Boys Love, Drama Shoujo Sho-Comi
195 Threads of Time
10 / 46
2 / 11
Manhwa 09-01-20 1906 Action, Adventure, Fantasy JuniorChamp
196 Tokyo Ghoul:re
69 / 181
6 / 16
Manga 02-08-15 3527 Action, Fantasy, Horror Seinen Young Jump
197 Tonari no Seki-kun Publishing
23 / -
1 / -
Manga 11-08-17 2787
Comedy Seinen Comic Flapper
198 Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi Publishing
29 / -
5 / -
Manga 22-07-18 2442 Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Gourmet Comic Gardo
199 Tongari Boushi no Atelier Publishing
35 / -
6 / -
Manga 14-08-19 2054 Fantasy Seinen Morning Two
200 Toradora! Publishing
56 / -
7 / -
Manga 06-02-15 3704
Drama, Romance Dengeki Daioh
201 Totsukuni no Shoujo
49 / 53
10 / 11
Manga 28-06-21 1370
Fantasy Shounen Comic Garden
202 Transfer Student Storm Bringer
3 / 91
- / 2
Manhwa 19-09-20 1652 Action, Comedy Seinen Naver Webtoon
203 Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
28 / 233
4 / 28
Manga Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
204 Tsurezure Children
- / 212
- / 12
Manga 30-10-15 3438 Comedy, Romance Shounen Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
205 Tsurutsuru to Zarazara no Aida
15 / 49
1 / 4
Manga 14-11-18 2327
Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life Seinen good! Afternoon
206 Uchi no Musuko wa Tabun Gay
46 / 104
2 / 5
Manga 15-10-20 1626 Slice of Life
207 Usotoki Rhetoric
11 / 50
- / 10
Manga 13-10-21 1263
Mystery, Romance Shoujo Bessatsu Hana to Yume
208 Usotsuki Lily
10 / 119
1 / 17
Manga Comedy, Romance Shoujo Margaret
209 Vampire Game
- / 92
5 / 15
Manga Adventure, Comedy Shoujo Wings
210 Vassalord.
2 / 36
- / 7
Manga 01-06-20 1762 Action, Boys Love, Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural Shoujo Comic Blade Zebel
211 Vinland Saga Publishing
22 / -
3 / -
Manga 01-01-20 1914
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama Seinen Afternoon
212 Why Did Men Stop Wearing High Heels?
- / 65
- / -
Drama Lezhin Comics Webtoon
213 Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
70 / 105
9 / 11
Manga 28-04-17 2892 Comedy, Romance Comic POOL
214 xxxHOLiC
- / 213
11 / 19
Manga Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural Seinen Young Magazine (Weekly)
215 Yakitate!! Japan
59 / 242
7 / 26
Manga 07-07-20 1726
Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Gourmet Shounen Shounen Sunday
216 Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru Publishing
57 / -
2 / -
Manga Romance Ganma!
217 Yankee to Yandere no Karera ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai
6 / 33
- / 3
Manga 26-12-15 3381
Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life Shoujo LaLa Melody Online
218 Yankee-kun to Hakujou Girl
86 / 127
5 / 8
Manga Comedy, Romance Niconico Seiga
219 YataMomo
13 / 20
2 / 3
Manga 19-06-16 3205 Boys Love, Slice of Life, Erotica Qpa
220 Yotsuba to! Publishing
- / -
4 / -
Award Winning, Comedy, Slice of Life Dengeki Daioh
221 Youko-san, Sugariyoru.
13 / 55
1 / 4
Manga 27-11-19 1949 Comedy Magazine pocket
222 Yu☆Gi☆Oh!
- / 343
30 / 38
Manga Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly)
223 Yurigurashi
2 / 11
- / 1
Manga 15-02-21 1503 Girls Love, Slice of Life
224 Yuusha Dan
1 / 3
- / 1
Manga 22-12-22 828
Adventure Shounen Shounen Sunday
225 Zetman
38 / 226
2 / 20
Manga 01-05-20 1793 Action, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Seinen Young Jump
226 Zettai Kareshi.
20 / 35
3 / 6
Manga 05-01-16 3371
Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi Shoujo Sho-Comi
227 Zombie-Loan
10 / 83
- / 13
Manga 02-02-15 3708 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Supernatural Shounen GFantasy
228 [Hihou] Mahou Shoujo no Sonogo no Nichijou.
4 / 30
2 / 3
Manga 27-02-18 2587
Comedy, Slice of Life Ponimaga