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How to tame a wild Amazon SD

3/9/24 9:09 AM11 min89 MBmp4360p
Price11.49 EUR


The wild Amazon roams the endless dunes in search of food. Suddenly, she bumps into a man. She wanted to run away, but he smelled very strongly of food. The man offers her a burger, but she fights him off like a wild cat with her paw. Interest and hunger win and very wary, the Amazon takes the burger. She has experienced a taste orgasm and is ready to eat these burgers endlessly. She stuffed herself and ran away.
The month went by very quickly. All this time, the man fed the Amazon with burgers. He calls her like a cat. She appears and looks very fat, her belly sticks out, she constantly burps. Amazona looks very pleased and homely. She devours another burger and burps loudly. The Amazon lay on her back and dumped her huge belly. She lets a man stroke her belly. Now she is completely in his power.

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