
MM! (Anime) add (All reviews)
Dec 20, 2010
Mixed Feelings
If you're looking for more of the same, then you're in luck. MM!, wittily titled after the protagonists masochism fetish, takes every character design and comedic gag as by the book as possible, for the absolute level of comfort viewing. MM! is enjoyable for what it is, a harem anime centered around a club that helps people, but it doesn't strive to go beyond it's original premise and ultimately that is where it falls short. Note that the numerical value I have awarded this anime with does not mean anywhere near as much as what I've said textually about it.

Story: 5/10
The story begins with Sado having an uncontrollable urge to yell in joy about being abused by women. He seeks help by going to a certain club led by a self-proclaimed God named Mio. He later is introduced to an androphobic girl, a school nurse, crazy inventor, and even discovers his best friend enjoys cross-dressing. That's about as how deeply as the plot goes - you've seen all of this before no doubt. MM! is like the foundation of a house that doesn't get built on. It doesn't provide anything more than a mindless viewing. Though I enjoyed a fair portion of the story about Yuno, even her story was riddled with cliche and lacked the depth other androphobic females have had in the past. I just felt let down after a very interesting exposition with nothing to support it thereafter. I had hopes Sado's masochism would be psychologically analyzed, possibly a reason why he enjoys being abused so much, but I was hoping for too much. The comedy in MM! was a turn-off for me. The anime is riddled with over-referenced anime and the physical abuse humor wears off by about the second episode. In short, MM! is not a show you watch for plot nor is it a show you watch for humor. I'm unsure why you watch it then.

Art: 6/10
Harem's never let me down - every female had different color hair! Sadly though, the creativity doesn't extend further into the show. The art design looks like a sloppily made Kanokon or Ladies vs Butlers with a huge gloss effect applied. There are numerous moments of re-used animation, ridiculous unattractive facial distortion, and awkward movements. As for the backgrounds, nothing to complain about for a school anime, but once again nothing that sets it apart.

Sound: 8/10
A saving grace in my opinion. I enjoyed Ayana Taketatsu (Azusa Nakano from K-ON!) as Mio, and at first I was a little worried on how I'd feel about her voicing a dirty-mouthed blonde girl but there was no reason for fretting. Her voice was the funniest thing in the anime. The OP "Help!!" was great in both versions of it being sung. The ED was also pleasant to my ears but it was nothing too notable.

Character: 5/10
Sado - likes being hit by women
Mio - likes hitting Sado, and her excuse is that by hurting him a lot he will be cured of his masochistic illness
Yuno - like Inari from Working! but less cute and less believable as a character
Noa - loli who invents things that usually end up with a Dragon Ball reference (frustrating amounts of them)
The rest - characters that a harem anime would most likely have in it

I should be grateful that at least one character had decent development in this anime, because expecting any development from a harem anime is silly to begin with. The characters were all good enough, but once again they were weak and for the most part unlikable. Between all the fists flying in this anime (used as tools of perversion for Sado) and the ridiculous plot development (Noa tries to make all men in the world perverted at one point - this is not an anime to take seriously) it was hard to really make room for characters I guess.

Enjoyment: 5/10
I watched an episode of MM! a week, and then it ended. I will undoubtedly delete this anime off my computer and move along with the next anime Xebec has to offer. MM! did nothing but consume my time each week without instilling any feelings for the anime. Of course as harem standards go, MM! is not poor - it has a decent amount of fanservice and the protagonist isn't an asshole. That in and of itself is enough to make it passable, but there are harem anime that are at least more interesting out there.

Overall: 5/10
Unless you're new to anime MM! won't spark more than a passing glance. The phrase holds true - once you've seen one harem anime, you've seen them all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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